Someone has said that 60 is the new 40. As the Baby Boomer bubble enters the senior years, the church is presented with a new challenge and opportunity. This demographic is not ready to be consigned to a passive status in which they become observers of ministry. At heart they are life seasoned mentors and coaches. As they relinquish busy, career-driven lives, the New Senior searches for meaning and an opportunity to invest their lives in an appropriate and productive way.
At Wesley Community, our desire is minister to and with this savvy group. They have stories to tell, experience to share and our hope is to capture every nugget that we can from this exceptional group as they continue to set the bar.
NEXT EVENT: Luncheon on Thursday, February 20th, 2025 @ Noon. Cost $10. ‘Love’ly High Tea – Come and bring a friend! If you are unable to attend, please phone (613) 732-7128 a few days in advance.
The church gets big in a small way when a congregation commits itself to growth in groups. It is impossible for a Sunday morning service to accomplish the kinds of things that are innate when people gather, face to face for mutual ministry. The proverbs says,
“As iron sharpens iron, so one man (person) sharpens another.”
Our agenda at Wesley Community is to make disciples rather than church consumers. This, in fact is the Great Commission, to go into all the world and “make disciples”.
To enter into relationship with Christ is only the beginning of a lifetime of discipleship in which Jesus is Lord over all. Small groups are our intentional strategy to pursue this great mandate, modeled to us by Christ Himself.
“Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures” Luke 24:45
The Men’s Ministry uses RightNow Media videos. Come join the men of WCC!
Men’s Bible Study – Tuesdays at 7:00 pm. The series will follow “Why Does Jesus Matter?” by JD Greear on RightNow Media.
Upcoming Men’s Events:
LADIES BOOK CLUB! – Monday, February 3rd at 1:00 pm.
We will be reading “Within These Walls of Sorrow” by Amanda Barrat. If you would like to order your book, please see Margaret Mau.
May bring your own refreshment.
Women’s Bible Study – Tuesdays at 7:00 pm. The study will be done on “Revelations” by Jen Wilkin.
KidsVenture is on Sundays at 10:30 am!
What we’re teaching this month…
When we visit an aquarium, we find a whole world filled with sea creatures, plants, and more. Some of the discoveries we’ve made about what lives underwater can seem almost like a miracle. But it’s not just under the sea where miracles happen – Jesus used water in some of his most well-known miracles! In this 4-week series, kids will learn about some of the incredible miracles Jesus performed to help people grow closer to God. As they do, they’ll learn how Jesus does everything out of love, calls us to follow him, knows what we need, and most of all, that Jesus can do anything!
Miss Bev and Miss Kristin
We recognize that our children are likely the most digitally entertained and instructed generation that we have ever known. It is extremely difficult for any organization to compete with the options that they have at their fingertips 24/7. Still, it is our conviction that they need relationships with each other and with adults who care for them at every level. Wesley Community is committed to offer those relationships and the investment of time and attention in our children. You may be interested in more than a program for your kids. Perhaps you are stirred to make a contribution of time, energy and effort as an investment in the lives of these children.
If you would like more information on any of our ministries, please take a moment to fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page. Someone will reach out to you in a timely manner.
Most every notable revival has had two common elements. It has involved youth and it has begun in small groups. Our youth are possibly the most faith-filled, adventure ready group that the church ministers to. We remember the days when life seemed so large and the possibilities were endless. Youth have always been at the cusp when God begins to move.
Our Youth Ministry: TBD
We don’t see them as the church of tomorrow at Wesley Community – they are the church today. In many ways they are the pulse of the church at large. Pray for our teens and help us spread the word as we enlarge our ministry borders to this most critical group of people.
Join us every Sunday morning at 10am at WCC in Wesley Hall for coffee or tea and chat as we anticipate the family worship service at 10:30am. The Cafe will shut down at 10:15am.
Enjoy this opportunity to get to know us or introduce yourself to your WCC family.
Join us at Zion Hill Camp!
For more Information – www.ziohillcamp.com
5 Weeks of Camp in 2024:
Children’s Camp 1 – Ages 10-12
Sunday, June 30th till Friday, July 5th
Children’s Camp 2 – Ages 7-9
Sunday, July 7th till Friday, July 12th
Day Camp – Ages 4-11
Monday, July 15th till Friday, July 19th
Family Camp
Sunday, July 14th till Saturday, July 20th
Speakers & Bible Study Teacher – Dr. Stephen Lennox
Worship Leader – Jesse Duncan
Youth Leader – Nathan Huff
Children Ministry Director – Monica MacDonald
Youth Camp – Ages 13 – Grade 12
Sunday, July 28th till Saturday, August 3rd